SIP Calculator

Monthly SIP amount

Time Period


Growth Rate (p.a)




Future Value of your SIP

(SIP amount ₹100)

Total Investment

₹ 6K

Future Value


▲ 35.2%

Total Gains


A SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) is simply a method of automating your investments. Hence, it does not impact taxation on your investments in any way. You can do SIP investments in Mutual Funds, Indian Stocks, and even US Stocks in INDmoney.

In SIP investment, the installments may be irregular and can also be of different amounts at different periods. In this case, it is best to use XIRR to calculate returns on your SIP investment. This can be done easily on MS Excel or any other spreadsheet app. CAGR is calculated as point-to-point returns and is not suitable for SIP investments but works well for lumpsum investments.

In case a SIP installment is missed, due to insufficient balance in your bank a/c, your bank may charge you a small fee in some cases. Please check these details with your bank. There is no other impact on your SIP.

Yes, you can stop your SIP at any time. On INDmoney, if you invest via Flexi SIP, you can choose to pause and restart your SIPs at any time.

Yes, if you invest via Flexi SIP, you can change your SIP amount at any time. Further, you can define a period step-up amount as well. This way, you can automate increasing your SIP investment as you grow your income.

The answer depends on your goals and financial situation. If you have a large sum of money to be invested, a lumpsum approach is better. However, if you are looking to automate investing for the long term in a disciplined manner, the SIP approach is more suitable.