Select Fund

Select Frequency

Investment Amount

What is SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP Calculator?

SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP calculator is a powerful that allows investors and individuals to estimate the mutual fund returns on SBI MUTUAL FUND investments made using the SIP (Systematic Investment Plan). In other words, SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP Calculator is an online tool that allows a user to calculate the SIP amount to reach their financial goals on the basis of an expected annual return when invested in SBI MUTUAL FUND mutual fund via SIP.

How does SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP calculator work?

SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP calculator is designed to give investors and individuals a heads up for their mutual fund investments. The returns on the mutual funds’ investments are different based on the mutual funds’ investments scheme chosen from SBI MUTUAL FUND. The SIP SBI MUTUAL FUND calculator will help users estimate the future value of an SIP in mutual funds, assuming a certain rate of return and time period.

How to Use the SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) Return Calculator?

SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP calculator is easy to use and is highly convenient for beginners and new investors to calculate the return on SBI MUTUAL FUND mutual fund investment. You are required to follow the following steps to get an estimate of the return on your investment in SBI MUTUAL FUND mutual fund schemes made using the SIPs:

Step 1: Choose the frequency of your SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP (Systematic Investment Plan).

Step 2: Enter the amount that you would like to invest in SBI MUTUAL FUND mutual fund through SIP.

Step 3: Enter the tenure of the mutual fund through SIP.

Once you follow all the steps mentioned above, the SIP calculator will calculate the return and display the amount accumulated at the end of the tenure of the SIP in SBI MUTUAL FUND

SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP Calculator Formula

The formula used in the SIP calculator to calculate the expected returns is as follows:

FV = P [(1 (1+i) ^ n-1] * (1+i) / i

Here, FV = future value, or the amount you will receive at the maturity of the investment.

P = Principal amount you invested through SIP

i = Compounded rate of return

r = Expected rate of return

n = Investment duration in months


Let us assume that you want to invest INR 2,000 per month for 24 months. You expect an annual rate of return of 12%.

Let’s calculate:

i = r / 100 / 12 or 0/01.

FV = 2000 * [ (1 + 0.01) ^ 24-1] * (1+0.01) / 0.01.

After calculation, you will receive INR 54,486 at maturity.

Start Investing in SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP mutual funds with SIP Calculator:

Investing in mutual funds through SIP is one of the best investment options. It is a systematic method where you can decide your monthly investment, tenure of the investment, and frequency. With the SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP calculator, you can calculate the estimated returns on the investment which allows you to make a wise decision as per your income, requirements, and preferences. So, start investing in the SIP mutual funds now through INDmoney.

Benefits of using SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP Return calculator:

Power of compounding

IP allows you to compound your investments. Compounding generates when your returns on the investments generate more returns. It is a simple and significant concept in investing. SIP helps you to invest a regular amount every month in a mutual fund scheme that generates more returns.

Low initial investment

With INDmoney’s SIP calculator, you can invest any amount you like as per your financial situation. You can invest as low as INR 500 per month and as high as you want. You can start with a low investment to see how your investments earn returns in the beginning and can gradually increase the amount.


Another essential point is that SIP is both easy and convenient through INDmoney’s application. You are not required to keep track of market trends, don't have to research, and analyze the market situations for investments, unlike other investment options. You just have to pick a good fund and start your investments through SIP. You will receive notifications and updates about the investment in the app itself.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP calculator?

    SIP calculator is a metric that allows investors and individuals to estimate the mutual fund returns on the investments made using the SIP (Systematic Investment Plan).

  • How does the SBI MUTUAL FUND SIP calculator work?

    Using the SIP calculator is very easy and convenient to calculate the returns on mutual funds investments. You are required to enter several metrics to find the exact return, such as the investment amount, duration of the investment, frequency of the investment, and the expected returns.

  • How are SBI MUTUAL FUND mutual fund SIPs taxed?

    Taxation of SIPs depends on whether you have invested in Equity or Debt Investments and the tenure for which the investment has been made. The table below explains the taxation of mutual fund SIPs made in various funds.

    Fund TypeHolding Period for Long TermShort TermLong Term
    Equity1 year15%10% if LTCG during the year exceed Rs. 1 lakh. LTCG less than Rs. 1 lakh are exempt from taxation.
    Hybrid FundsMore than 65% Equity: as equity, else like debtinvested in equity, taxation same as equity funds. taxed like debt funds.
    Debt3 yearsSlab rate20% with indexation benefit
    International3 yearsSlab rate20% with indexation benefit

    Let us take some examples to understand the taxation on equity funds.

    Rajesh does an SIP into a equity fund on 1st January 2022. The details are as follows:

    SIP amount Rs 5,000.

    Return: 12% per annum

    Start Date: Jan 1, 2022

    Selling off date: The entire amount is redeemed on 2nd Jan, 2023.

    For the purpose of taxation, each SIP is considered as a fresh investment. Hence, only on the first SIP made on Jan 1, 2022, Rajesh will have to pay Long-term capital gains (exempt up to Rs 1 lakh). For every subsequent investment, STCG is applicable)

    MonthSIP(A)Final amount on Jan 2nd, 2023(B)Gains (B-A)Type of TaxFinal Tax amount
    Jan-225000₹ 5,634.13₹ 634.13LTCG(Exempt)
    Feb-225000₹ 5,578.34₹ 578.34STCG₹ 86.75
    Mar-225000₹ 5,523.11₹ 523.11STCG₹ 78.47
    Apr-225000₹ 5,468.43₹ 468.43STCG₹ 70.26
    May-225000₹ 5,414.28₹ 414.28STCG₹ 62.14
    Jun-225000₹ 5,360.68₹ 360.68STCG₹ 54.10
    Jul-225000₹ 5,307.60₹ 307.60STCG₹ 46.14
    Aug-225000₹ 5,255.05₹ 255.05STCG₹ 38.26
    Sep-225000₹ 5,203.02₹ 203.02STCG₹ 30.45
    Oct-225000₹ 5,151.51₹ 151.50STCG₹ 22.73
    Nov-225000₹ 5,100.50₹ 100.50STCG₹ 15.08
    Dec-225000₹ 5,050.00₹ 50.00STCG₹ 7.50
         ₹ 511.88

  • What is the goal of the SIP calculator?

    The goal of the SIP calculator is to determine the monthly SIP investments in the mutual funds.

  • What are the benefits of SIP?

    1. Small money can be invested:  Investors can start a SIP even Rs 500 in mutual funds, which is not possible in case you want to invest in shares. Shares of some of the listed companies trade at higher prices, which can't be owned by small investing directly with small amounts.
    2. Disciplined investing:  SIP instil discipline into investors by committing to invest a predefined amount at regular intervals which is essential for building wealth in the long-term.
    3. No need to worry about market volatility:  Investors receive more units when the NAV of a mutual funds fall and less units when NAV of mutual funds rise. Therefore, over a long period of time the cost of units to investors will be significantly lower despite ups and downs. This phenomenon is called Rupee cost averaging.
    4. Flexibility:  Investors have the flexibility to decide the SIP amount, period and interval of SIP as per their convenience.
    5. Offers diversification at small investment:  Investors can't diversify their portfolio with small investment surplus. But with mutual funds, they can get a diversified portfolio, even with investment of Rs 500.
    6. Professional management of investments:  Mutual funds are managed by knowledgeable and disciplined fund managers. Investors generally don't have in-depth knowledge of investing.
    7. Power of compounding:  Investors can stay invested in mutual funds for a longer period of time. Compounding is a phenomenon wherein over a period of time returns get added to corpus and this in return generates more return. This phenomenon leads to an exponential growth of corpus.

  • How can I start SIP?

    Below are the ways you can start SIPs on the INDmoney website.

    1. Login
    2. Go to Mutual Funds explore page
    3. Select a fund.
    4. Click on ‘Start SIP’ button

  • How can I increase my SIP amount?

    Starting a new SIP in the same fund is the easiest way to increase the SIP amount in the fund. Below are the step to start a new SIP in the existing funds:

    1. Login
    2. Go to investments
    3. Go to my mutual funds
    4. Select a fund
    5. Click on ‘Invest More’

  • How can I redeem my SIP amount?

    Redeeming a SIP in the same fund is the very easy on INDmoney. Below are the step to redeem SIP amount in the existing funds:

    1. Login
    2. Go to investments
    3. Go to my mutual funds
    4. Select a fund
    5. Click on ‘Redeem’


  • What if I miss my SIP dates or don’t have sufficient money in my bank account?

    With auto-debit feature, firstly you don’t need to remember the debit dates as the bank account will get debited automatically on the date which you have selected for SIP. However, just in case for whatever reason the funds are not available in the bank account, you will miss one SIP. There is no penalty or any fee. Your SIP account remains active even if you miss one SIP date but after multiple misses, it gets cancelled.

  • What is INDmoney Daily SIP calculator?

    INDmoney’s daily SIP calculator enables users to plan their investments and meet their future financial goals.

  • What are the benefits of INDmoney Daily SIP calculator?

    The daily SIP calculator provides immense benefits. It helps users to estimate the future value of Daily SIP investments in mutual funds given a rate of return and time horizon.

  • How to use a Daily SIP calculator?

    The daily SIP calculator is a very simple to use tool. One can use it by following the steps mentioned below: 

    Step1: In the calculator, choose the SIP tab

    Step 2: Choose the frequency as Daily

    Step 3: Input the Daily SIP amount

    Step 4: Choose the expected return

    Step 5: Choose the time period

    Step 6: Now, you should be able to see: 

    1. Total amount invested over this period
    2. Future value of your SIP
    3. Total gains

  • What is the formula for the Daily SIP calculator?

    The formula used in the Daily SIP calculator to calculate the expected returns is as follows:

    FV = P [ (1+i) ^ n-1] * (1+i) / i

    FV = Future value or the amount you will receive at the time of maturity of the investment.

    P = Principal amount you invested through SIP 

    i = Compounded rate of return

    r = Expected rate of return

    n = Investment duration

    The inputs have to be adjusted to reflect the frequency as daily. While r is the return estimate yearly, i = r/365 gives the daily return estimate. Similarly, n is adjusted as 365* the number of years to reflect the number of periods.

  • What is the formula for the Weekly SIP calculator?

    The formula used in the Weekly SIP calculator to calculate the expected returns is as follows:

    FV = P [ (1+i) ^ n-1] * (1+i) / i

    FV = Future value or the amount you will receive at the time of maturity of the investment.

    P = Principal amount you invested through SIP 

    i = Compounded rate of return

    r = Expected rate of return

    n = Investment duration

    The inputs have to be adjusted to reflect the frequency as weekly While r is the return estimate yearly, i = r/52 gives the weekly return estimate. Similarly, n is adjusted as 52* the number of years to reflect the number of periods.

  • How is daily SIP calculator different from weekly calculator?

    The daily SIP calculator estimates the future value of investment in case a user is investing in mutual fund SIPs on a daily basis. The weekly SIP calculator enables the user to calculate the future value of investment in case the investment is made into MF SIPs on a weekly basis.

  • Who should do daily SIP?

    Daily SIPs are suitable for users who have surplus money and would like to stagger their investments in a better way. It will help the investor to invest small amounts into the market to avoid heavy drawdowns in case of market downturns. Hence, they will ensure that the user faces lower volatility, and generates potentially higher return in the market as compared to users with weekly or monthly SIPs. Hence, Daily SIPs could be an excellent alternative to monthly SIPs. 

    Let us look at an example to understand this better. Mr X invests in mutual funds through daily SIPs of Rs 1,000. Mr Y invests Rs 30,000 through monthly SIPs. Assume that the time horizon is one year. Here’s the difference between the two investments. 

    FV in case of Mr X: Rs 3.87 lakh

    FV in case of Mr Y: Rs 3.80 lakh

    Notice that difference in amount for Mr Y. This is because the total amount invested through daily SIPs is Rs 3.65 lakh, while that invested through monthly SIP is Rs 3.60 lakh (30,000*12). An additional investment of Rs 5,000 in the case of Mr X has yielded a higher return.

  • Who should do weekly SIP?

    Weekly SIPs will help the user to average out her cost in a better way, and navigate volatile markets in a smoother manner. It is suitable for users who wish to create long-term wealth in the market by staying invested for longer periods of time and with a higher frequency of investments. The user faces lower volatility, and generates potentially higher return in the market as compared to users with monthly SIPs. Hence, weekly SIPs could be an excellent alternative to monthly SIPs. 

    Let us look at an example to understand this better. Mr X invests in mutual funds through weekly SIPs of Rs 5,000. Mr Y invests Rs 20,000 through monthly SIPs. Assume that the time horizon is one year. Here’s the difference between the two investments. 

    FV in case of Mr X: Rs 2.75 lakh

    FV in case of Mr Y: Rs 2.53 lakh

    Notice that difference in amount for Mr X. This is because the total amount invested through weekly SIPs is Rs 2.60 lakh (52 weeks * 5,000), while that invested through monthly SIP is Rs 2.4 lakh (20,000*12). An additional investment of Rs 20,000 in the case of Mr X has yielded a higher return.