IND Pricing
  • 0

    Account Opening Fees

    Mutual Fund Investment Account

  • 0

    Profile Verification

    KYC and Identity Verification

  • 0


    Trading Charges

  • 0

    Tracking Charges

    Track all your Mutual Fund Holding

  • 0

    Switch from Regular to Direct

    Save upto 1.5% on Commissions

  • 0


    Start with As little as ₹10 Daily!

  • 0


  • 0


    Account Maintenance Charges

Taxation and TCS

  • Expense Ratio

    Expense Ratio

    The AMC charges the fund management fees + distribution (commission) fee to manage a mutual fund. INDmoney works with Direct Plans of mutual funds only. Direct plans of mutual funds have 0 distribution (commission), in turn minimizing the expense ratio. The applicable GST is also included in the expense ratio.
  • STT (Stamp Duty)

    STT (Stamp Duty)

    STT and Stamp Duty are two different concepts and Stamp Duty is levied by the government. Which is applicable as 0.005% in purchase in MF.And on equity-oriented mutual funds (sale) STT is applicable as 0.001% in redemption.
  • Taxation


    For equity funds, gains from units held for 1 year (12 months) before redemption are considered Short Term Capital Gains (STCG) and taxed at the rate of 20%.

    If held for more than 1 year, they attract Long Term Capital Gains (LTCG) tax then LTCG tax for equity mutual funds is 12.5% ​​on gains above Rs. 1.25 lakh annually.

  • Exit Loads

    Exit Loads

    Exit load is a fee charged by the mutual fund houses if investors sell units within a certain period from the date of investment. Some funds don't charge exit load. Typically, equity mutual fund schemes levy an exit load of 1% if the units are sold within one year of buying. Debt funds, also levy an exit load, but the period could be as low as a day or a month since the overall tenure of the fund could be only a few weeks or months. Liquid funds do not charge any exit load.
  • Dividends


    Taxable at the hands of the investor at the Income Tax slab.

Frequently Asked Questions

In case you missed anything

Is there any account opening fee on INDmoney?

What are the charges for investing in Mutual Funds on INDmoney?

What type of mutual funds are available on INDmoney, regular or direct?

What are the payment methods supported for mutual funds?

What is the minimum investment amount for mutual funds?