How General Provident Funds Works

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How General Provident Funds Works

The General Provident Fund (GPF) is a long-term savings scheme for government employees and gives them financial security during retirement. It was presented in 1960 when the government dealt with the asset. The essential target of this asset is to give a trustworthy wellspring of retirement pay for government workers. Employees can withdraw their reserve funds from the asset upon retirement or resignation from service. 

The GPF likewise offers a competitive interest rate, updated quarterly. This component makes it an important investment for government employees as it is a safe method for putting something aside for retirement and giving monetary security in unexpected conditions. In this article, we will see its workings, including opening a GPF account, its types, and the advantages of this reasonable investment.

What Is a General Provident Fund (GPF)?

The General Provident Fund is a long-term investment option that permits government workers to collect investment funds over their employment tenure. GPF is a compulsory plan for government workers, expecting them to contribute a specific salary towards the fund. The contributions are deducted from the representative's month-to-month pay, and the sum procures interest at a predetermined rate.

The GPF scheme is directed by the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare,  falling under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. This plan offers a few advantages to government representatives, including charge reserve funds, generally safe investments, and guaranteed returns. A GPF is adaptable, permitting employees to pull out cash from the fund because of multiple factors, like marriage, education, and health-related emergencies.

How to Open a GPF Account

To open a GPF account, government workers should approach their respective departments. The process generally includes submitting an application and essential documents.

Below are the steps to open a General Provident Fund (GPF) Account:

  • Contact the department's Drawing and Dispensing Official (DDO). Ask about the GPF account opening process and required documents.
  • Acquire the "Account Opening Form."
  • Give details like name, designation, date of joining, and chosen contribution rate.
  • Your DDO confirms and sends the application to the Accountant General's office (AG) with essential documents. The AG will give a GPF account number.
  • You will get your GPF account number and record data.
  • Your chosen contribution rate will be deducted from your monthly salary and credited to your GPF account.

Contributions and Types of GPF

Employees contribute a fixed salary rate to the GPF account every month. The contributions are collected, and interest is compounded annually. One sort of GPF is the Voluntary Provident Fund (VPF), an augmentation of the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) accessible to private and public area workers. VPF permits people to offer more than the required EPF contribution, supporting higher savings with similar interest rates.

Another one is the Statutory Provident Fund (SPF), commonly applicable to government representatives. SPF works under statutory legal guidelines and serves as a long-term savings road. It guarantees monetary security by offering a stable and premium interest-earning account to employees during their service tenure. Each sort of GPF has great standards and qualification measures. Understanding these varieties is critical for employees to take informed decisions according to their business situations and monetary objectives. The fixed rate contribution and yearly building of revenue make GPF a dependable and organized reserve funds  instrument for getting a stable monetary future.

How the General Provident Fund Works

You can figure out the working of the General Provident Fund (GPF) from the steps mentioned below:

  • Join the General Provident Fund (GPF):
    If you are an government worker in India, you have to join the GPF. You need to advise your boss regarding your desire to contribute.
  • Select your contribution:
    You can contribute in the range of 6% and 100 percent of your basic salary every month. Your asset grows faster as you contribute more.
  • Make regular contributions:
    Your selected amount get deducted from your salary every month and stored into your GPF account.
  • Acquire interest:
    Your GPF account earns interest at a rate fixed by the government. Presently, the GPF interest rate is 7.10% p.a. in January 2024. This interest gets added to your balance consistently.
  • Watch your funds develop:
    Your GPF balance slowly gets amassed over time, with standard commitments and interest.
  • Reaching maturity:
    You can get to your GPF assets upon retirement or after completing a decade of service..
  • Withdrawal choices:
    You can withdraw the whole sum as a lump amount or take monthly scheduled installments in portions upon maturity. 
  • Partial withdrawals:
    You can make partial withdrawals before retirement for explicit purposes like clinical costs, kids' schooling, or house buying.

Benefits of GPF Account

Given below are some of the benefits of a GPF account: 

Tax Benefits: GPF contributions are qualified for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. It provides a  double benefit of savings and tax benefits.

Fixed Returns: GPF gives stable returns, as the interest rates are often higher than traditional investment accounts.

Retirement Corpus: The gathered sum in the GPF account fills in as a dependable corpus during retirement. It guarantees financial dependability for government employees.

Loan Facility: In specific circumstances, employees can profit of loans against their GPF balance. This gives them a financial security net during emergencies.


Understanding how General Provident Funds work includes perceiving the most common way of opening a record, figuring out the kinds of contributions, and valuing the advantages it gives. As a protected and productive investment, GPF remains as a foundation for government workers' financial prosperity all through their expert process and into retirement.
