Chapter 5: How is Income from Mutual Funds Taxed?

How is Income from Mutual Funds Taxed? Chapter Image

Table of Content

Understanding Mutual Fund Income

  • Learn the different types of income you can earn from mutual funds, such as dividends and capital gains.

Taxation of Dividend Income: 

  • Understand how dividends from mutual funds are taxed in India post the abolishment of Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT).

Taxation of Capital Gains: 

  • Explore the tax implications on short-term and long-term capital gains from mutual funds, and how it varies across equity and debt funds.

Indexation Benefits: 

  • Discover how indexation benefits can help reduce the tax on long-term capital gains from debt mutual funds.

Relevant Exemptions and Deductions: 

  • Know about the exemptions and deductions available to investors to reduce their tax liability on income from mutual funds.

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